Saturday, February 7, 2015

Feb 8, 2015 - 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

1st Reading from Job -
Job was a righteous man.  Then he went through one tragedy after another.  He was confused and heartbroken and complained to God.

Have you ever felt like that?  I sure have!  Why me?  Why this?   Life is not always easy for us. We suffer pain, loss, misunderstanding, fear, and anger. But, like Job, we must remember God's unfailing love for us. By faith, we praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted.  How can we help those who are going through trying times?  

Second Reading is from Paul to the Corinthians...
 I looked up this reading in the "message" version of the Bible (you can look up different versions on ...
Paul is saying:
If I proclaim the Message, it’s not to get something out of it for myself. I’m compelled to do it, and doomed if I don’t! 

As I reflected on that version of the reading....I reflected on my faith journey.  I always found it difficult to preach the gospel with words.  

I believed that it was more important to "preach the gospel with my life".
I am compelled to do it....I cannot "not" do it.  I wanted people to "see" Jesus in me...not just hear the words, but feel His love....

But as in the Gospel....sometimes I find there is so much demand to many needs to attend to...I wonder how I can do it all, especially as a minister of the church and a mom and a wife and a friend.  

In the story of Martha and Mary - I relate to Mary - I am the doer ....How do I make time to sit and pray and still get everything "done?"....But Jesus also shows us that getting away to pray is the only way He can continue to do His ministry....

So I have made that time to get away and pray and God has multiplied my time and provided help with ministry....

My favorite places to pray?  My bedroom, the church, my car, a walk, my office...wherever I have a minute...

Where is your favorite place to be filled with God before you serve Him?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Feb 1, 2015 - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Family Connection from Loyola Press Sunday Connection:

The people who heard Jesus teach and saw him heal in today's Gospel were said to have been astonished and amazed by the authority of his teaching. So compelling were Jesus' words and actions that the news about him could not be contained; it spread quickly throughout all of Galilee. Two thousand years later, the news about Jesus continues to spread. We are called to participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus with others in our words and in our deeds.
Gather as a family and try to name some amazing things, events, or people. In today's Gospel we hear that the people were astonished and amazed by their experience of Jesus. Read today's Gospel, Mark 1:21–28. What did the people who saw and heard Jesus find so amazing? (In Jesus, the people heard and saw the power and authority of God at work.) People should see in our lives the power and authority of God at work. Can you name any modern examples of people in whom you have seen the power and authority of God at work? Conclude in prayer together that we will experience wonder at the work of God in our world today.

For another interesting reflection - tied into the Super Bowl - link to Fr. Dave Heney's reflection!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 25, 2015 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

As I read this Sunday's readings, I truly felt an urgency from God to follow Him.  I felt that NOW is the Time!  Did you get this feeling?

I wanted to laugh as I started reading from Jonah - because, even though the reading doesn't include the drama of God calling Jonah and Jonah running from God and then God getting Jonah's attention by having him in the belly of a fish....(How many times have I been called by God and run the other way?) - regardless...this Sunday we don't focus on that...we focus on Jonah's obedience to proclaim God's message to the people of Nineveh.....and Shocker!  They listened to God, turned from their evil ways and God repented of the evil that he had threatened to do to them.

Happily ever after!

I am a catechist (we are all catechists, if we are parents).  How are we proclaiming the word faithfully to those around us?  Are we obedient to God?  Or do we do our own thing?

In the Responsorial is my plea to God to help teach me His ways....make them known to me...because as a Catechist, I need to follow Him and be true to His can I do that, if I do not know them?

The first reading starts out: I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is running out.
and ends: For the world in its present form is passing away.
Motivating?  It is like the message of Jonah....We don't know the time do we?  

Then in the Gospel, Jesus, himself is calling us: “This is the time of fulfillment.
The kingdom of God is at hand.
Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

He calls some fishermen - and they drop their nets and follow Him....immediately.

He calls me.  Do I drop what I am doing? (laundry, cleaning, typing, ) and follow Him?  

I do feel the urgency in these readings.....My prayer is in the responsorial psalm 
"Yes, Lord" teach me your ways!  
Good and upright is the LORD;
thus he shows sinners the way.
He guides the humble to justice
and teaches the humble his way.
I humbly ask you to show me your way!

Here I am Lord!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 18, 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Old Testiment Reading is from 1st Samuel.  Another one of my favorites.  There are songs we have sung over and over during mass that bring me to tears.  Here I am Lord, your Servant is Listening.

Samuel was learning from Eli how to be a good servant to God....

This is a good lesson for us!

 “ if you are called, reply, Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.”

So, have you heard God calling?  Are you listening?  

Psalm 40 - Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
Sacrifice or offering you wished not,
but ears open to obedience you gave me.

Have you noticed how hard obedience is?  I learned that lesson a while back.  I thought I was listening to God.  But God didn't want me to choose my own path, He wanted me to follow the path of my superior in the Church.  He wanted me to follow the Church's teachings, not my own "feelings" about the teachings of the church.

I hadn't realized until then - that I was kind of a "Cafeteria Catholic".  I was picking and choosing what I liked about being Catholic.  I was really good at following what I liked doing, what was easy for me to do, even if there was some sacrifice to it.   But when it came to following all the teachings to the letter...I struggled...but I did hear God's call and I was obedient.  I am not saying I didn't complain - because I did....but I submitted to God and did His Holy Will.  I learned to finally be obedient without an attitude.  I think that is what this Psalm is saying.  I have come to do your will - not my will with your blessing.

Jesus asks Andrew and the other disciple, “What are you looking for?” This is a telling question, and one that we might often ask of ourselves. John the Baptist testified to Jesus' identity, the Lamb of God, using the framework of the Old Testament. Andrew, Simon, and the other first disciples were looking for the Messiah, whom they also came to know as the Son of God.  

Is Jesus calling us?  What is our response?  Do we have an excuse not to follow?  Or do we trust Jesus?
It's not easy, but it's the best adventure I have ever been on!  Not that I am doing it well every day...but I try!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 4 - The Epiphany of the Lord

Wise Men and Women Still Seek Jesus!

The first reading from Isaiah is a prophecy about the birth of Jesus, the Star of Bethlehem and the Magi and the gifts!

"your heart shall throb and overflow"  - Have you ever felt like that about God?  I have been so overwhelmed by God's love and mercy,  that there are no words.  

Lord, Every nation on Earth will adore you!

The Gospel continues with the story of the three magi

They were overjoyed at seeing the star, 
and on entering the house
they saw the child with Mary his mother.
They prostrated themselves and did him homage.
Then they opened their treasures 
and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

I have no gifts of expense to give to God, but I do have my heart.  I can share that with Jesus and with others!

I seek Him daily.  I try to share Him with those around me.  I hope we find that these are the gifts that matter to Him the most.  I feel like the little drummer boy.  My humble gifts are special to Him, because He gave them to me to share!

What gifts do you have to bring to Jesus? 

Have a blessed week!

January 1st - The Octave of Christmas, Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

What a beautiful way to start the new year!!!

The first reading is a blessing that God gave to Moses to give to Aaron and his sons (who are the priest lines).

The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon
you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!

What a beautiful blessing for us all...and with the coming of Jesus - the One and Only Priest - He gives us this blessing through His life and death and resurrection!  This blessing became FLESH!!!  

My prayer and continued AWE for God is in this:  God bless us with your mercy (I know what I deserve, but God is offering His Mercy - I still can't believe it!!!)

In the 2nd reading we become sons of God through Jesus!  Through the promise of Jesus!!!  Through the Miracle of this incarnation!!!  How Amazing and blessed are we???

My favorite line to reflect on in the Gospel is  "Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart."
How amazed must Mary have been, to have the shepherds come and tell her the message they heard from the angels....Then to be visited by the magi....Even then she held it in her heart...

How many times have I seen the hand of God in my life and reflected on it in my can I explain it to others?  How can I share the depth of AWE and WONDER I feel?  I can only share the JOY and Love that I receive.  I feel Mary was like that.  Mary was obedient to God, Mary brought Jesus into the world, Mary shared the love of Jesus with others and encouraged others to listen to Him!  

Mary is our example of being a disciple.  She is the mother of God!  She had hardships and challenges and yet she trusted and still marveled at the gift of God in her presence. 

The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon
you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!

Blessings to you this New Year!